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Autor/inGersmehl, Philip J.
InstitutionNational Council for Geographic Education.
TitelThe Language of Maps. Pathway in Geography Series, Title No. 1.
Quelle(1991), (207 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Leitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Cartography; Demography; Earth Science; Elementary Secondary Education; Geographic Location; Geography; Instructional Materials; Locational Skills (Social Studies); Map Skills; Maps; Study Skills; Topography
AbstractThis book of instructional materials is intended to support the teaching and learning of themes, concepts and skills in geography at all levels of instruction. Divided into five parts, part 1 of this Teacher's manual, "Communicating Basic Spatial Ideas," offers the following: (1) "Introduction"; (2) "Location"; (3) "Distance"; (4) "Direction"; (5) "Area and Volume"; (6) "Scale"; (7) "The Global Grid"; (8) "Map Projections"; (9) "The Universal Transverse Mercator Grid"; and (10) "The United States Public Land Survey." Part 2, "Depicting the Shape of the Land," includes: (1) "A Topographic Map Primer"; (2) "Topographic Map Symbols"; (3) "Elevation"; (4) "Slope"; (5) "Profiles"; (6) "Routes"; (7) "Topographic Positions"; and (8) "Sample Quiz Questions." Part 3, "Interpreting Topographic Maps," lists the following: (1) "Landforms"; (2) "Drainage Patterns"; (3) "Forest Cover"; (4) "Survey Systems"; (5) "Transportation Patterns"; (6) "Rural Settlement Patterns"; (7) "Urban Street Patterns"; (8) "Industrial Features"; (9) "Mining Features"; (10) "Placenames and Cultural Features"; and (11) "Sample Quiz Questions." A transition lesson, "Extracting Themes from Topomaps," leads to Part 4, "Reading Thematic Maps," which includes: (1) "Data Types"; (2) "Symbolization"; (3) "Photomap"; (4) "Planimetric Map"; (5) "Perspective Map"; (6) "Point-Symbol Map"; (7) "Spot-Measurement Map"; (8) "Proportional-Symbol Map"; (9) "Flowline Map"; (10) "Repetitive-Symbol Map"; (11) "Bounded-Area Map"; (12) "Choropleth Map"; (13) "Cartogram"; (14) "Plat Map"; (15) "Pixel-Coded Map"; (16) "Spectrally Classified Image"; (17) "Isoline Map"; (18) "Multiple Symbolic Languages"; (19) "Temporal-Trend Map"; and (20) "Data Transformation." Part 5, "Searching for Meaning on Maps," includes the following: (1) "Locational Patterns on a Map"; (2) "Distance Patterns on a Map"; (3) "Directional Patterns on a Map"; (4) "Line Patterns on a Map"; (5) "Area Patterns on a Map"; (6) "Comparison of Map Patterns"; (7) "Residuals from Map Comparison"; (8) "Connections Among Places on a Map"; (9) "Interaction Among Places on a Map"; (10) "Distortion of a Map Message"; and (11) "Sample Quiz Questions." Appendices also include: (1) "Metric-English conversions"; (2) "Source of Maps"; (3) "Glossary and Index"; and (4) "Answers to Practice Quizzes." (EH)
AnmerkungenNational Council for Geographic Education, 16-A Leonard Hall, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 15705 ($15).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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