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Sonst. PersonenBeyrer, Mary K. (Hrsg.); Nolte, Ann E. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionEta Sigma Gamma, Muncie, IN.
TitelReflections: The Philosophies of Health Educators of the 1990s.
Quelle11 (1993) 2, (131 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Philosophy; Educational Principles; Educational Trends; Elementary Secondary Education; Health Education; Health Promotion; Higher Education; Personal Narratives; Teacher Attitudes
AbstractThe chapters of this "monograph" reflect the philosophies of 14 health educators who represent a variety of work settings: (1) "This I Believe: A Philosophy of Health Education" (Loren B. Bensley, Jr.); (2) "Educating about Health" (William B. Cissell); (3) "Some Guiding Principles on Health and Health Education: A Philosophical Statement" (Charles R. Carroll); (4) "Pondering a Professional Philosophy" (Judy C. Drolet); (5) "The Role of Health Education in Worksite Health Promotion" (James M. Eddy); (6) "Health Education: Building Professional Bridges To Span the Decades" (Nancy T. Ellis); (7) "Health Education: A Smorgasbord of Life" (Joyce V. Fetro); (8) "Would I Do It All Over?" (Marian V. Hamburg); (9) "Changing Expectations of Health Education" (Joyce W. Hopp); (10) "One Person's Philosophy of Health Education: 1993" (Susan Cross Lipnickey); (11) "Reflections of a School Health Educator/Administrator" (David K. Lohrmann); (12) "Three Essential Questions in Defining a Personal Philosophy" (R. Morgan Pigg, Jr.); (13) "Andy's Question" (Candace O. Purdy); and (14) "Health Education and the Pursuit of Personal Freedom" (John R. Seffrin). (LL)
AnmerkungenEta Sigma Gamma, 2000 University Avenue, Muncie, IN 47306 ($6).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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