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Autor/inn/enWilson, David E.; und weitere
TitelComposing Experience and Knowledge: Narrative as a Critical Instrument in English Teacher Preparation.
Quelle(1993), (20 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Autobiographies; Discourse Analysis; Feminism; Higher Education; Personal Narratives; Preservice Teacher Education; Secondary Education; Story Telling; Student Needs; Teacher Effectiveness
AbstractComposing and telling stories can allow a person to resist and revise those confining stories drafted by others. As an illustration of the powerful role narrative plays in English teachers' research and teaching, a pre-service teacher's autobiographical story narrates her refusal of the oppressive roles she had been assigned. The teacher's story shows how she has begun to listen to her own voice rather than only to the external voices of others. The continuity between this teacher's personal self-reflection and her emerging public discourse and the resulting change in her own sense of authority has been described by the authors of "Women's Ways of Knowing" as the "hallmark of women's emergent sense of agency and control." Eventually this process allowed the pre-service teacher to compose her own definition of herself as a teacher--a process that now enables her to resist the definitions of "teacher" her schooling and her profession would inscribe on her. Telling her own story allowed the pre-service teacher to continue to assert the authority of her own lived and examined experience and to rewrite herself as a woman and a teacher. The relational, rather than rational, nature of knowledge that comes with stories combined with the speculative nature of most stories demands that researchers continually reexamine the stories they tell as well as examine their own responsibilities to those who tell their personal stories. (SAM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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