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Autor/inTokarczyk, Michelle M.
TitelWriting as Envision: Autobiographical and Academic Writing in the Composition Class.
Quelle(1993), (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Discourse; Autobiographies; Black Students; College Freshmen; Females; Freshman Composition; Higher Education; Homosexuality; Personal Narratives; Personal Writing; Racial Bias; Self Concept; Sex Bias; Student Needs; Writing Assignments
AbstractThree students in an autobiography class--an African-American, a woman, and a gay man struggling to come out--used their writing to both affirm their places in the world and envision another place. Having reviewed her early educational experiences as an African-American, Holly focused her essay back to her present college days and her attempts to find new role models. She wrote in a lyrical woman's style, one suggesting that although the struggle may be difficult, it can be beautiful. Jackie took a sweeping look at the position of women in society. While both Jackie and the teacher acknowledged that her scope limited her essay's depth, the teacher came to understand the rhetorical motivation for her choice. Jackie ended her essay in a light, optimistic tone. Mitch wrote the most personally revealing, most agonizing essay about coming to terms with his gayness. The essay's power was due to the simplicity and directness of the language. Toward the end of his narrative, Mitch began to see the possibility that he might indeed be able to live a fulfilling life as an openly gay man. In each of the three essays, the writers took important steps toward reconsidering their pasts (revisioning) while imagining a better future (envisioning). Autobiographical writing can be included in required composition courses so that students can represent and examine their complex identities and imagine better futures. (RS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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