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Autor/inn/enPetkofsky, Ruth B.; und weitere
TitelField Experience Goes Both Ways: Exchange of Visits by Suburban University Students and Urban Elementary Students.
Quelle(1992), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCultural Differences; Education Majors; Elementary Education; Field Experience Programs; Higher Education; Inner City; Minority Group Children; Preschool Education; Preservice Teacher Education; Program Design; Program Evaluation; Program Implementation; Student Needs; Suburban Environment; Urban Education; Pennsylvania (Philadelphia)
AbstractWest Chester University (Pennsylvania) set up a project designed to meet the seemingly diverse yet very similar needs of teacher education students and inner city children. Prospective teachers must begin to value and effectively serve more diverse populations, and the relationship between campus and the real world needs to be strengthened. Children in an urban environment have a need to become aware of the wider world and the kinds of opportunities that are available to them. This project provided field experience in an inner city teaching and learning environment early in a professional teacher preparation program, and it provided elementary school students with direct experience in a higher education suburban institution early in their lives to help them begin to build self images in an environment other than the one they know. The needs, goals, preparation, experiences, evaluation, and implications for both prospective teachers and young children are outlined. Five letters written by inner city youngsters thanking the Dean of the College of Education for the experience of visiting campus are appended. (LL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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