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Autor/inn/enFink, Marcy; Arnove, Robert F.
TitelCurrent Issues and Tensions in Popular Education in Latin America.
Quelle(1989), (25 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Strategies; Educational Trends; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; International Education; International Studies; Nonformal Education; Popular Education; Public Education; Womens Education
AbstractPopular education issues in Latin America--particularly issues manifested in work with women--are examined. Observations are based on work with health education projects in Chile and a regional community organizing program in Honduras, Costa Rica, and Guatemala, as well as research into the impact of popular education programs on Latin American women overall. The case study of Nicaragua was selected to determine to what extent a similar pattern of tensions exists. The six tensions discussed are: (1) methodology vs. content; (2) micro- vs. macro-level focus; (3) reinforcing traditional gender roles or altering them; (4) women-only vs. mixed groups; (5) alternative sector vs. work within the system; and (6) quality vs. quantity. Popular education in Nicaragua is tied to a national political project that aims at the transformation of society. The impact of popular education programs is discussed on an individual level, group level, national level, and the macro level. (24 references) (SI)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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