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Sonst. PersonenRivera, William M. (Mitarb.) ; Davis, Cynthia (Mitarb.)
InstitutionMaryland Univ., College Park. Dept. of Agriculture and Extension Education.
TitelLifelong Learning Research Conference Proceedings (9th, College Park, Maryland, February 25-26, 1988).
Quelle(1988), (134 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Adult Education; Adult Students; Andragogy; Cognitive Style; Educational Change; Extension Education; Learning Theories; Lifelong Learning; Needs Assessment; Organizational Development; Postsecondary Education; Professional Continuing Education; Professional Development; Program Development; Program Implementation; Staff Development; Teaching Methods
AbstractThe following 26 papers, with abstracts and references, are included in these proceedings: "Panel: Continuing Professional Education in Cooperative Extension" (Robert L. Bruce, G. L. Carter, Jr., Ronald Jimmerson, Joan S. Thomson); "New Farm Families: Implications for Extension Educators" (Jane W. McGonigal, Robert L. Bruce); "The Experience of Learning for the Sake of Learning in Adulthood" (Lynne Y. Asmuth); "Advances in the Neurosciences" (Marcie Boucouvalas); "Normative and Predictive Generalizations in Adult Education Research" (Robert F. Carbone); "Beginning Researchers' Perspectives and Approaches to the Planning Phase of Research" (Jennifer Knowles, Ronald Jimmerson); "Integrating Andragogy with Current Research on Teaching Effectiveness" (Billy E. Ross); "Adult Education vs. Education of Adults" (Harold W. Stubblefield); "Learning Opportunities for Volunteers" (Phyllis C. Wiederhoeft); "A Self-Directed Learning Program within Continuing Professional Education" (Judith K. DeJoy, Helen Mills); "Retirement Planning" (Shirley L. Foutz); "A Matrix Approach to Market Segmentation and Positioning for Continuing Professional Education Program Development" (Mary Elaine Kiener); "Continuing Education for University Faculty Members" (Susan F. Kromholz, Sally M. Johnstone); "The Municipal Clerk" (Michael T. Lavin, Donald Levitan); "A Long-Term, Multiple Stage Needs Assessment Process for Program Development" (Joan L. Parrett, Deborah R. Klevans); "Weekend Colleges in the United States" (Jeanie Roundtree-Wyly, Lloyd Korhonen); "Conducting an Effective Retention Study" (Dolores F. Sapienza, Richard S. Davis); "Educational Services to Isolated Locations Using State of the Art Technology" (Joseph D. Smith, David Halfen); "Development of a National Manpower Plan for the Malawi Ministry of Agriculture" (Thomas F. Trail); "The Metamorphoses of Adult Learners" (Dennis E. Campbell); "Use of the KAI [Kirton Adaption Innovation Inventory] in Times of Program and Organizational Change" (Shirley H. Gerken); "Understanding Adult Reentry as a Change Process" (Doe Hentschel); "Self-Reliant Behaviors and Value Orientations of Adult Learners Engaged in Continuing Professional Education" (Carroll A. Londoner, Fredric Linder, David Bauer); "The Influence of Adult Students on Faculty as Learners" (Barbara Rich); "Comparing Agricultural Extension Systems" (William M. Rivera); and "Learning To Think in Service of Improving Professional Practice" (Albert K. Wiswell). (KC)
AnmerkungenProceedings LLRC, Center for Professional Development, University of Maryland University College, University Blvd. at Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20742-1668.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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