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Sonst. PersonenRivera, William M. (Mitarb.) ; Walker, Sharon M. (Mitarb.)
InstitutionMaryland Univ., College Park. Univ. Coll.; Maryland Univ., College Park. Dept. of Agriculture and Extension Education.
TitelLifelong Learning Research Conference Proceedings (8th, College Park, Maryland, February 19-20, 1987).
Quelle(1987), (226 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Adult Basic Education; Adult Education; Adult Learning; Adult Literacy; Adult Students; Aging (Individuals); Computer Oriented Programs; Correctional Education; Distance Education; Educational Policy; Educational Research; Extension Education; Human Resources; International Education; Learning Theories; Lifelong Learning; Literacy Education; Microcomputers; Participant Characteristics; Postsecondary Education; Professional Continuing Education; Staff Development; Student Motivation
AbstractAmong the 46 papers in this proceedings are the following 36 selected titles: "The Intergenerational Exercise/Movement Program" (Ansello); "Using Computers for Adult Literacy Instruction" (Askov et al.); "Measuring Adults' Attitudes toward Computers" (Delcourt, Lewis); "Issues in Computers and Adult Learning" (Gerver); "Preassessment of Adult Student Interest in Relation to Success in Introductory Computer Courses" (Korhonen, McKenzie); "Self-Initiated Learning Projects of Prison Inmates of the District of Columbia Department of Corrections" (Brown); "Role of the Adult Educator in the Prisons" (Collins); "Instructional Television Programs for Graduate Professionals" (Baldwin); "Northern Ontario Distance Education Access Network" (Croft); "Development of Distance Education in the United States" (Granger); "Distance Education: Practitioners' Pleas for Research" (Mugridge); "Graduate Education Desires, Detractors, and Determinants for Navy Aviation Officers" (J.D. Smith); "Contact in Telecourses: The Trade-Offs" (Wiesner); "International Programming in the Cooperative Extension System" (Lambur et al.); "Functional Skills--Experiential Learning Outcomes of the Volunteer 4-H Leader" (Howe); "Perceptions of the Effectiveness of 4-H Volunteer Key Leaders as Held by Key Leaders and County 4-H Agents in Ohio" (Richey, K.L. Smith); "Re:Fit: Career Change Options for Well Defined Dislocated Worker Populations" (Heimlich, Van Tilburg); "Defining Human Resource Development" (D. Smith); "Representation Technologies in the Future of Lifelong Learning" (Jackendoff); "Missing Pieces in the Evaluation of Extension Training Programs in Developing Countries" (Jones); "UNICEF: A Children's Program with High Adult Education Impact" (Marsick); "India's Agricultural Extension Development: The Move toward Top-Level Management Training" (Rivera); "Public and Private Sector Extension in Agricultural Development" (Crowder); "A Factor Analytic Study of an Adult Classroom Environment Scale" (Aagaard, Langenbach); "The Scope and Evolution of Hermeneutics and Its Challenge to Lifelong Learning Professionals" (Boucouvalas); "Participatory Modes for Empowering the Disadvantaged" (Cassara); "The Psychological Well-Being and Sources of Stress in Returning Students" (Copland, Yu); "Context and Learning" (Ingham); "Three Forms of Learning in Social Context" (Jarvis); "Informal Adult Experiential Learning--Reality in Search of a Theory and a Practice" (Rossing, Russell); "A Comparison of the Value Orientations and Locus of Control of Adult Learners in Schools of Business and Education" (Londoner et al.); "Adult Experiential Learning: A Grasping and Transforming Process" (Sheckley); "Qualitative Evaluation Research: Issues and Dilemmas" (Fingeret); "Typology of Law-Literate Adults Based on Deterrents to Participation in Adult Basic Education" (Hayes); "Hispanic Participation in Adult Education" (Wallace et al.); "Adult Education Policy: The Missing Link" (Oaklief); "Quality Control in Non-Traditional Education" (Shaw, Fox); "The Uses of Innovative Methodology in Adult Education Research" (Beder et al.); and "Marketing to Adult Learners: Using Focus Group Research to Develop a Marketing Plan" (Rosenbloom, Thole). (KC)
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