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Autor/inSmith, G. Pritchy
TitelImpact of Competency Tests on Teacher Education: Ethical and Legal Issues in Selecting and Certifying Teachers.
Quelle(1984), (57 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Admission Criteria; Court Litigation; Educational Legislation; Higher Education; Minimum Competency Testing; Minority Group Teachers; Racial Discrimination; State Standards; Teacher Certification; Teacher Selection; Test Validity; Testing Problems
AbstractEthical issues involved in competency testing of teachers are raised by the following considerations: that (1) the initiative for the movement came from state legislatures and boards of education rather than from educators; (2) in some states, the testing of teachers is paralleled by a movement to assess the basic skills of public school students; (3) competency testing of teachers has come about despite research inadequate to show direct relationship between performance on the tests and on-the-job-competence; (4) the predictive validity of the tests has been generally unsubstantiated; (5) the tests are more often norm-referenced than criterion-referenced; and (6) cut scores have been consistently set at a level high enough to eliminate disproportionate numbers of minority students from the teaching profession. An analysis of minority performance on teacher competency tests is presented from 10 southern and border states. Selected key cases are examined to determine the legal principles underlying testing, and the relationship of the role of the courts to the growth of the competency testing movement, despite evidence that it has a negative impact on minority groups. Recommendations are offered for achieving a balanced solution to an inequitable situation. Tables are presented depicting states which have mandated competency tests and states discussing adopting the tests. (JD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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