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Autor/inRuffino, Roberto
InstitutionAFS International/Intercultural Programs, Inc., New York, NY.
TitelAn Assessment of Organized Youth Mobility in Europe. AFS Occasional Papers in Intercultural Learning, No. 3.
Quelle(1983), (22 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterComparative Analysis; Educational Objectives; Educational Research; Elementary Secondary Education; Exceptional Persons; Foreign Countries; International Educational Exchange; International Organizations; Minority Groups; Participant Characteristics; Program Descriptions; Research Needs; Student Exchange Programs; Student Mobility; Study Abroad
AbstractAn overview of youth exchange programs in Europe is provided from a previous study of 15 exchange programs in Member States of the European Community plus Spain and Portugal. The 15 programs can be categorized as short-term, broadly based exchanges; long-term, selective exchanges; short-term exchanges organized by educational organizations or as part of more complex research; extracurricular travel to learn languages; and exchanges for special groups, e.g., handicapped. Support for cultural exchanges in the public sector comes mostly from international organizations rather than national governments. The most commonly declared goal of organizers of exchanges is international understanding. Specific goals include environmental education, technical education, and improvement of a foreign language. In addition to those students financially able to participate, scholarship plans exist for young working people, handicapped, and minority groups. All organizations are finding it increasingly important to have selection criteria and to obtain accurate descriptions of applicants. However, very few institutions prepare participants for their experience in accordance with the techniques of cross-cultural training. Only three of the institutions are equipped to deal with crises due to separation from home. Unfortunately, program evaluations and research efforts are few. (KC)
AnmerkungenAFS International/Intercultural Programs, Inc., 313 East 43rd Street, New York, NY 10017 (free).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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