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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inButler, Dennis G.
InstitutionCoast Community Coll. District, Costa Mesa, CA.
TitelBusy Signal: Techniques and Methods Used for Planning and Executing the 1980 Community Telephone Survey. Coast Community Colleges Community Telephone Survey, 1980: Report Number 8.
Quelle(1981), (48 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCommunity Colleges; Community Surveys; Data Analysis; Data Collection; Institutional Research; Needs Assessment; Questionnaires; Research Design; Research Methodology; Two Year Colleges
AbstractInformation is provided on the procedures and instruments used to conduct the Coast Community Colleges 1980 Telephone Survey as an aid for those planning to undertake a similar study. After an introductory section, Section II discusses study planning, outlining the roles of an executive steering committee made up of key administrators, a technical committee concerned with survey planning and design, and a final decision-making body. It also underscores the value of information forums to explain the project and of write-in suggestions. Section III presents the research design for the project, discussing sampling considerations; sample size; item development, format, order, and context; pre-testing and revision; development of tools for interviewers; and database planning. Section IV considers modes and procedures of data collection, focusing on interviewer training, methods of supervision and data coding, data collection monitoring and daily summaries, time of day considerations, and unproductive sampling areas. Section V describes the key elements of data analysis, including checking for coding and input errors, establishing a plan for data analysis, and determining the principal relationships ascertained from the data. Finally, Section VI provides information on ways of reporting survey results in a form that can be easily understood by the intended audience. Appended materials include the survey instrument and instructions for interviewers. (HB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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