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Autor/inn/enMiskel, Cecil; Sandlin, Terry
TitelSurvey Research in Educational Administration: A Critical Analysis.
Quelle(1981), (37 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterData Analysis; Data Collection; Evaluation; Evaluation Criteria; Evaluation Methods; Measurement Techniques; Reliability; Research Design; Research Methodology; Research Problems; Sampling; Surveys; Validity
AbstractIn order to assess the methodological merit of the published research in educational administration based on surveys, the authors analyzed data from a random sample of 24 survey studies published in the "Education Administration Quarterly" and the "Journal of Educational Administration." Each article was evaluated according to six criteria governing sampling and instrumentation procedures. Raw scores, descriptive statistics, and graphical analysis were used to judge levels of quality and to test for systematic improvements in the scientific rigor of the published research. The study reveals that both journals suffer general shortcomings across a number of the quality criteria. Often methodology is treated so tersely that readers cannot evaluate the quality of procedures. The authors conclude that improvements in methodological rigor have been uneven and modest. (Author/WD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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