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Autor/inDulniak, Dennis J.
InstitutionMontana State Univ., Bozeman.
TitelCharacteristics and Opinions of Entering Undergraduate Students at Montana State University.
Quelle(1980), (35 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege Choice; Influences; School Demography; School Surveys; Student Adjustment; Student Attitudes; Student Characteristics; Student Motivation; Student School Relationship; Undergraduate Students
AbstractMontana State University's (MSU) use of the Student-Outcomes Information Services (SOIS), developed jointly by the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) and the College Board for surveying the characteristics and opinions of entering undergraduate students, is examined. The Entering-Student Questionnaire, one of five developed by SOIS, was chosen to evaluate the efforts in student recruitment, initial student impressions of MSU, opinion of current services and the usefulness of the SOIS questionnaire. A sample of approximately 10 percent of the entering undergraduate population for the 1979 autumn quarter was surveyed. Highlights noted: many students attending MSU chose the school as their first choice; campus services and staff received favorable review; and the SOIS data analysis provided useful information allowing for more extensive review by various offices mentioned in the report. The SOIS questionnaire proves to be a useful tool when used on a properly constructed sampler group. Appendix A provides a cover letter from initial mailing, entering-student questionnaire, additional questions sheet and comment section, and a letter for follow-up mailing. Appendix B offers written comments on such areas as student life difficulties, most helpful office and social/emotional difficulties. Tables offer statistical data in various areas: enrollment; factors influencing college choice; student goals; and degree plans. (LC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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