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Autor/inStilwell, William E.
TitelEffects of a Developmental Guidance Program on the Affective-Social Development of Third and Fourth Graders.
Quelle(1977), (23 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAffective Measures; Affective Objectives; Comparative Analysis; Elementary Education; Experimental Schools; Humanistic Education; Peer Evaluation; Self Esteem; Self Evaluation; Student Attitudes; Student Evaluation; Student School Relationship; Student Teacher Relationship; Teacher Attitudes; Traditional Schools
AbstractThis study compared the effects of the Stuttgart School District's developmental guidance program with the effects of one of its traditional school programs on children's affective-social development. Affective education data were collected at the end of third grade (May, 1975) and again at the end of fourth grade (May, 1976) for 58 boys and 47 girls at the experimental school and 74 boys and 59 girls at the traditional school. The primary measure used was the Barclay Classroom Climate Inventory (BCCI). The scales of the BCCI dealing with overall self-competency, group interaction, career development, teacher ratings, and attitudes toward school were used in this analysis. Data from self, peer, and teacher were scored for each child and merged by computer for the BCCI report. Data were analyzed by year, by sex, by school and separately for children who were in attendance only part of the year. Results indicated that the experimental and traditional school children differed in three significant ways: the experimental children were higher than their traditional school counterparts in overall self-competency, positive teacher ratings, and attitudes toward school. (JMB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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