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Autor/inBratton, Edward W.
TitelBack to the Basics: An English Curriculum of "Fearful Symmetry."
Quelle(1977), (16 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Basic Skills; Educational Needs; English Curriculum; English Instruction; Higher Education; Individual Needs; Relevance (Education); Student Needs; Teaching Methods
AbstractThis discussion suggests that most English departments have dealt with the conflict between traditional instruction and the"back-to-the-basics" movement in the language arts by focusing on the individual needs of the student, on the subject in some of its most elementary aspects, and on teaching. The English curriculum, as well as teachers in the field, can benefit from the acceptance of seemingly contrary positions: the context of relaxed requirements and public demands for literacy, predictions for more leisure time and the translation of educational relevance into vocationalism, and so on. "Options for the Teaching of English: The Undergraduate Curriculum" (Modern Language Association) and "Statement on the Preparation of Teachers of English" (National Council of Teachers of English) are discussed in view of their ability to reconcile such conflicts, and the undergraduate curriculum at the University of Tennessee is described in order to illustrate the general pattern adopted by colleges to resolve the problem. (KS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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