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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionHigh/Scope Educational Research Foundation, Ypsilanti, MI.; Abt Associates, Inc., Cambridge, MA.
TitelHome Start Evaluation Study. Interim Case Studies IIb.
Quelle(1972), (360 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrative Organization; Case Studies; Federal Programs; Health Services; Home Visits; Intervention; Objectives; Parent Participation; Preschool Education; Program Descriptions; Program Evaluation; Records (Forms); Social Services; Teachers; Training
AbstractThe eight interim case study summaries included in this booklet are part of "Report II" of the "Home Start Evaluation Study." Each case study was developed after field visits to each of the demonstration programs by case study workers from the evaluation agencies. The summaries are divided into six areas: (1) a statistical description of the program site, (2) progress report, (3) administration and staff training, (4) parent participation, (5) family needs and program services, and (6) appendices with sample Project Home Start record forms. An effort has been made by the field staff in these reports to specifically describe the working relationship between program goals and objectives as developed by each local unit, compared with the services actually provided to families. (CS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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