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Autor/inChapman, Judith E.
InstitutionGeorge Washington Univ., Washington, DC. Social Research Group.
TitelEarly Childhood Research and Development Needs, Gaps, and Imbalances: Overview.
Quelle(1972), (40 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBehavioral Science Research; Child Development; Cognitive Development; Emotional Development; Environmental Influences; Exceptional Persons; Handicapped Children; Longitudinal Studies; Objectives; Physical Development; Program Evaluation; Research Methodology; Research Needs; Social Development; Young Children
AbstractThis paper presents a moderately detailed overview of research and development needs through an analysis of past, current, and planned research efforts, in conjunction with recommendations of a sociological, political, and moral nature. This approach is in line with pleas for more comprehensive theories and for assessment and programming which take into account the whole child in his total life space. There is also an interest in using research and development techniques which will give us more differentiated programs and results. Finer breakdowns of such population groups as the disadvantaged, the handicapped, and the gifted are called for. More instruction to meet individual needs and abilities, and programs and tests which are relevant to particular cultural and ethnic backgrounds are urged. In summary, then, the major directives for the future are for an increasingly holistic, broad-range, integrated overall framework within which methods are used which result in increasingly focused programs. (Author/CS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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