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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inJohnston, Harold G.
InstitutionWayne State Univ., Detroit, MI.
TitelDetroit Metropolitan Library Research and Demonstration Project. Final Report.
Quelle(1969), (183 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterDemonstration Programs; Financial Support; Library Circulation; Library Services; Metropolitan Areas; Public Libraries; Reference Services; Research Libraries; Residence Requirements; Students; Use Studies; Michigan (Detroit)
AbstractThe Detroit Main Library's reference and research facilities have been used by increasing numbers of non-residents, although there has never been reciprocal financial support from suburban areas. Costs have increased and the city tax base has declined. In order to continue to operate as a metropolitan research library and to solve financial problems, the Detroit Public Library, Wayne State University, and the Michigan State Library began a research and demonstration project in August, 1966. Objectives of the project were to (1) provide service to all residents of the six-county metropolitan area, (2) analyze resulting use and users, (3) determine costs, (4) suggest alternative possibilities for financial support, and (5) "sell" the expanded service and necessary financial support. Major conclusions are: (1) Non-resident use is mostly limited to the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) and the SMSA residents should have access and share financial support. (2) No correlation is seen between number of residents in a geographical area and use of Detroit's Main Library. (3) Most of the non-residents' use was in-the-building use. (4) Students were heaviest non-resident and resident users. (5) Extent of non-resident use indicates new financial support patterns would be appropriate. (6) Evidence suggests state support of Main Library Service to non-residents. (7) Visits to the Main Library appear to be a valid index of use. Suggested areas for further study are cited. (CC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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