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Autor/inKelly, Anthony
TitelDynamic Management and Leadership in Education.
High Reliability Techniques for Schools and Universities.
QuelleAbingdon, Oxon: Routledge (2022)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781000478761; 1000478769; 9781003217220; 1003217222; 9781000478822 (EPUB); 1000478823 (EPUB)
SchlagwörterEducational leadership; Leadership en éducation; EDUCATION; Administration; General; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractCover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Table of Contents -- List of figures -- List of tables -- Chapter 1: Introduction -- Leadership versus management -- Praxis, theoria and poiesis -- Defining dynamic leadership -- Defining the education context -- Defining high reliability -- A brief morphology of leadership theory -- The layout of the book -- And finally ... -- Notes -- Chapter 2: Trait leadership theory -- History of trait leadership theory -- Categorising leadership traits -- A modern trait leadership model -- Criticisms of trait leadership theories -- Notes.; Chapter 3: Charismatic leadership and the Core Quadrants -- The problem of succession -- Core Quadrants management -- Notes -- Chapter 4: Participative leadership and De Bono's Six Thinking Hats -- Participative leadership and motivation -- The six dimensions of participative leadership -- The qualities of a participative leader -- De Bono's Six Thinking Hats -- Notes -- Chapter 5: Behavioural theories: Dynamic leadership, followership and style -- Followership -- Notes -- Chapter 6: Behavioural theories: Motivational, authentic and transactional leadership -- The Seven Colour Motivation model.; Authentic leadership -- Authentic leadership metrics -- Transactional leadership -- Notes -- Chapter 7: Situational-contingency theories of leadership and management -- Fiedler's contingency model -- Reddin's 3D Leadership model -- The Hersey and Blanchard Situational Leadership model -- Blanchard's Situational Leadership II model -- Situational leadership and coaching -- Functional and action-centred leadership -- Notes -- Chapter 8: Keeping dysfunction at bay or creating order? -- Salutogenesis and the search for effect -- Salutogenesis and the search for meaning -- Notes.; Chapter 9: Genba Kaizen -- Notes -- Chapter 10: Managing innovation and change -- The Hype Cycle -- The Innovation Life Circle -- The Phase-Gate model for filtering innovations -- The Change Quadrants communications model -- Kotter's Change model -- The PDCA improvement cycle -- Notes -- Chapter 11: Approaches to intellectual capital -- Intellectual capital and transformational change -- Competition and cooperation -- Note -- Chapter 12: Dynamic leadership and intellectual capital -- The Value Added Intellectual Coefficient and value added measures -- Expenditure on intellectual capital.; Identifying and analysing intangible assets -- Exploiting intangible assets -- Measuring the efficiency of knowledge work and knowledge workers -- Putting a value on intellectual capital -- Notes -- Chapter 13: Process improvement -- The Five Why approach -- The Six Sigma approach -- Notes -- Chapter 14: Scorecards and dashboards -- Balanced Scorecards and strategic maps -- SWOT analysis -- Chapter 15: Structures and systems -- The 7-S framework -- Greiner's Organisational Growth model -- Mintzberg's Organisational Framework model -- The EFQM model -- Covey's Seven Habits of Effective Managers. This book presents a new integrated theory of dynamic management and leadership in one comprehensive approach. It offers a new way of looking at the field, drawing on a wide body of research and practice in the fields of leadership and management, across all sectors in education and more broadly. The book focuses on management against a backdrop of leadership theory. Including examples of practice and application in schools, colleges and universities, it uses a range of historical leadership approaches to scaffold different management techniques that are known to work in effective organisations. It explores the overlap between management and leadership as dynamic theoretical and practical activities, merging the two together into a holistic model that can be applied by managers working in educational settings. Its twenty-six chapters also consider the praxis of educational leadership and management from political, economic and ethical perspectives in relation to issues such as equity and widening participation, and outline how managership' impacts on student achievement. Offering a unique balance of theory and practice, across school, college and university sectors, the book will be of great interest to researchers, academics, graduate students and practitioners in the field of educational leadership and management, and will be important reading for all stakeholders in the area of educational effectiveness and improvement.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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