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Autor/inn/enSilcox, Steffan; McNeill, Neil
TitelLeading school renewal.
A guide for educational ground breakers.
QuelleAbingdon, Oxon: Routledge (2021), 229 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781000358339 (E-Book); 100035833X (E-Book); 9781000358391 (EPUB); 1000358399 (EPUB); 9781003139935; 1003139930; 9781000358360; 1000358364; 9780367689889; 036768988X; 9780367689865; 0367689863
SchlagwörterEducational change; Educational leadership; School principals; Enseignement; Réforme; Leadership en éducation; Directeurs d'école; principals (educators); EDUCATION / Educational Policy & Reform / General; EDUCATION / Curricula; EDUCATION / Leadership; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractDefining concepts associated with school leadership and change : renewing school renewal -- School leader leadership and the processes of leading a school renewal agenda -- School leader efficacy and change -- Moral leadership guiding school change and vision setting -- System reforms as catalysts for school renewal -- Situational factors and their impact on school leadership and change -- Pedagogic leadership : a view of what real school leaders do -- The pedagogic wars : a challenge for school leaders -- Distributed leadership in modern schooling contexts : delegation is not distributed leadership -- Schools as learning organisations : growing organisational, professional and personal capital -- New school leadership : jettisoning the comfortable present -- Value-adding and student voice -- Profiling school leaders' leadership standards -- School leaders and psychological resilience and mental health -- Catalytic teachers and the x factor of teaching and learning -- Accountability and public confidence -- Introducing the universal five key steps to sustainable school renewal -- Positioning the future-oriented school. "Leading School Renewal explores how school principal leadership behaviour impacts on school change endeavours, and in particular pedagogic renewal, which is a form of educational improvement that is primarily concerned with the growing of the knowledge, skills and beliefs of education in a manner that optimises students' life options. The authors identify attributes of principals who have engaged in school renewal and examine the influences on their leadership behaviours and disposition towards renewing their schools while also acknowledging the influence of site-specific contextual variables. The authors propose that certain leadership behaviours exhibited by school principals are integral with renewing a school's pedagogic focus. They argue renewal is a preferred form of sustainable educational change because it relates to deep-seated cultural changes in approaches to pedagogy, curriculum and school structures. Whilst also maintaining that leadership is at the heart of school improvement and principal leadership practices which are based on a clear sense of purpose, values and beliefs about learning and teaching can transform a school into a learning organisation. Including a foreword by Professor John Hattie, this book is appropriate for all school leaders and educators who want to learn more about school leadership behaviours and highly effective school change."--ProQuest website.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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