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Autor/inn/enParr, Alyssa; Potter, Laura; Pekel, Katie; Gibbons, Kim; Schantz, Joe; Evenson, Alex
InstitutionRegion 10 Comprehensive Center; University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER); University of Minnesota, Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI); Education Analytics, Inc.; Minnesota Department of Education
TitelMinnesota Safe Learning Survey: Winter and Spring 2021 Subgroup Analysis by Geography and Student Race/Ethnicity
Quelle(2021), (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterState Surveys; COVID-19; Pandemics; Elementary School Students; Secondary School Students; Race; Ethnicity; Disproportionate Representation; Student Attitudes; Student School Relationship; Rural Urban Differences; Access to Computers; Racial Differences; School Demography; Teacher Student Relationship; Outcomes of Education; Racial Bias; Distance Education; Blended Learning; Minnesota
AbstractSeeking to understand the experiences of educators, families, and students in K-12 public schools during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Wisconsin-Minnesota Comprehensive Center (WMCC)--working with the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE)--has developed the Safe Learning Survey that is being conducted at three intervals: Winter (February), Spring (May-June), and Fall (October-November), 2021. To date, two public reports have been published sharing the results of the Safe Learning Surveys conducted in the Winter (February) and Spring (May-June) of 2021. These reports provide a comprehensive description of the findings for each survey: (1) Winter 2021 Minnesota Safe Learning Survey (ED615428); and (2) Spring 2021 Minnesota Safe Learning Survey (ED615427). The purpose of this companion brief is to provide additional information disaggregated (i.e., broken down) by district geography and student race/ethnicity on five key themes and potential areas for policy and practice improvement: learning, connectedness, engagement, technology, and racism and racial microaggressions. Such disaggregation of data is an important step in understanding how to provide equitable supports that are tailored to the needs of particular communities. [The following people collaborated on this report: Heather Muller, Wendy Hatch, Denise Specht, Deborah Henton, Jon Millerhagen, and Kirk Schneidawind.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenBoard of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Research and Sponsored Programs, 21 North Park Street Suite 6401, Madison, WI 53715. Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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