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Autor/inRosenberg, David
InstitutionEducation Resource Strategies
TitelMoving to the Next Phase of School Reopening: Three Pivotal Questions for District Leaders
Quelle(2020), (8 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterPublic Schools; School Districts; Distance Education; Pandemics; COVID-19; Educational Resources; Partnerships in Education; Educational Strategies; Guidance; School Closing; Strategic Planning; Blended Learning; Classroom Environment; Student Needs; Comparative Analysis; Supply and Demand; Class Size; Faculty Development; Teaching Methods; Teacher Student Relationship; Teacher Placement; Elementary Secondary Education; Models; Parent Attitudes
AbstractNearly half of the 907 public school districts tracked by Education Week opened school fully remote this year. This includes more than three-quarters of the nation's largest districts, which serve high proportions of students with the greatest learning and social-emotional needs stemming from the pandemic. Now, many district leaders are working feverishly to determine if they can transition to some in-person learning for their students as the school year goes on. For more than six months, our team at Education Resource Strategies (ERS) has partnered closely with eight large school districts in developing prototypes, models and tools to support district planning, grounded in guiding principles. From that work, we have now zeroed in on three challenging questions that will have an outsized impact on student and educator experiences in a transition to any in-person school: (1) What should be our next step--hybrid or in-person?; (2) How do we meet the needs of in-person and remote students simultaneously?; and (3) How should we handle teacher opt-outs from in-person instruction? (As Provided).
AnmerkungenEducation Resource Strategies. 480 Pleasant Street Suite C-200, Watertown, MA 02472. Tel: 617-607-8000; Fax: 617-600-6613; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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