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Autor/inn/enLynch, Kathleen; Hill, Heather
InstitutionEdResearch for Recovery Project; Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University; Results for America; Harvard University, Graduate School of Education
TitelBroad-Based Academic Supports for All Students. Brief No. 6
Quelle(2020), (6 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterElementary Secondary Education; Student Needs; Academic Support Services; Intervention; Pandemics; COVID-19; School Closing; Teaching Methods; Conventional Instruction; Teacher Collaboration; Time; Looping (Teachers); Age Differences; Racial Differences; Ethnicity; Socioeconomic Status; Low Income Students; Family Involvement
AbstractThis brief is one in a series aimed at providing K-12 education decision makers and advocates with an evidence base to ground discussions about how to best serve students during and following the novel coronavirus pandemic. For children meeting academic benchmarks before the shutdown, slowdowns through September will not be catastrophic. However, delayed openings or shutdowns combined with weak remote learning offerings in the fall may set students' learning back significantly. In order to move students through grade-level content, schools will need to lean heavily on tiered strategies that include broad-based supports for all students and intensive intervention for students who have felt the pandemic's impacts most directly. Face-to-face instruction is particularly important for early elementary students. Targeted support strategies for families, such as take-home books, text messages, and family involvement programs, can effectively supplement in-school curriculum. Teaching grade-level content to all students in the fall, while identifying students needing special support, can help students remain on track. Scheduled time for teachers to communicate across grade-level teams and efforts to maximize instructional time can help students catch up while avoiding redundancy. Teacher looping structures that keep students and teachers together for more than one academic year seem to be beneficial, but the evidence is thin, and large-scale shifts would require teachers to learn new content across multiple grade levels. Large-scale, standardized testing is unlikely to yield results quickly enough and/or at a grain size that teachers can use to plan instruction. Remediation programs that supplant regular instruction are likely to prevent students from learning new, grade-level content. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenEdResearch for Recovery Project. Available from: Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University. 164 Angell St., 2nd floor, Providence, RI 02906. Tel: 401-863-7990; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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