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Autor/inn/enShaw, Emily J.; Mattern, Krista D.
InstitutionCollege Board
TitelExamining the Accuracy of Self-Reported High School Grade Point Average
Quelle(2010), (20 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterNachschlagewerk; Accuracy; Grade Point Average; High School Students; Correlation; Questionnaires; Student Attitudes; College Entrance Examinations; Comparative Analysis; Student Records; Databases; Higher Education; Outcomes of Education; Statistical Analysis; Scores; Critical Reading; Mathematics Tests; Writing Tests; Race; Ethnicity; Parent Background; Educational Attainment; Student Characteristics; Family Income; Disclosure; SAT (College Admission Test)
Abstract[Slides] presented at AERA in Denver, CO in April 2010. This study examined the relationship between students' self-reported high school grade point average (HSGPA) from the SAT Questionnaire and their HSGPA provided by the colleges and universities they attend. The purpose of this research was to offer updated information on the relatedness of self-reported (by the student) and school-reported (by the college/university from the high school transcript) HSGPA, compare these results to prior studies and provide recommendations on the use of self-reported HSGPA. Results from this study indicated that even though the correlation between the self-reported and school-reported HSGPA is slightly lower than in prior studies (r = 0.74), there is still a very strong relationship between the two measures. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenCollege Board. 250 Vesey Street, New York, NY 10281. Tel: 212-713-8000; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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