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Autor/inn/enEcklund, Britt K.; Lamon, Kathryn M.
TitelImproving Reading Achievement Through Increased Motivation, Specific Skill Enhancement, and Practice Time for Elementary Students
Quelle(2008), (105 Seiten)
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Abschlussarbeit (Bachelor, Master, Diplom, Magister)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Intervention; Silent Reading; Student Attitudes; Reading Achievement; Student Motivation; Questionnaires; Grade 5; Literacy; Elementary School Students; Grade 2; Grade 1; Grade 3; Low Achievement; Reading Instruction; Teacher Surveys; Student Surveys; Skill Development; Reader Text Relationship; Vocabulary Development; Recreational Reading; Attitude Change; At Risk Students; Wisconsin
AbstractThe action research project report began when the teacher researchers determined that students at Sites A and B struggled with reading achievement. The purpose of the project was to improve students' reading achievement through increased motivation, specific skill instruction, and additional practice time. The project involved 26 students: 17 second-grade students, 4 first-grade students, 4 third-grade students, and 1 fifth-grade student. The project began January 21st, 2008 and ran through May 16th, 2008 with 12 weeks of intervention. Students' low reading achievement was demonstrated by a lack in reading practice time, low motivation to read, limited access to appropriately leveled books, and low literacy skills appropriate to their grade level. The teacher researchers used a Student Attitude Survey, Teacher Questionnaire, Accelerated Reader scores, and data from the Measure of Academic Progress reports to document evidence of the problem. The Accelerated Reader scores and Measure of Academic Progress report tools showed that reading achievement was low compared to grade level peers. The Student Attitude Survey showed that motivation and interest in reading were areas in need of improvement. The Teacher Questionnaire showed that a teacher's years of experience correlated to confidence and ability in the area of reading instruction. The teacher researchers chose Reading Parties, specific skill instruction, and self-to-text connections for intervention. The Reading Parties were a block of time once a week where students could read books at their level in a comfortable atmosphere. Specific skill instruction consisted of mini lessons on phonics, comprehension, and vocabulary that gave students the tools they needed to read books. The final intervention was teaching students how to make self-to-text connections. This enabled them to further comprehend and enjoy the books they were reading. One of the most notable changes was the increase students that chose reading as their preferred activity. Another notable change was that all students showed growth in the Accelerated Reader scores. Students approached reading and books in a different, more positive, manner after the interventions. The teacher researchers saw positive results in the data as well as in daily interactions with students. Students were more apt to pick up a book, enjoyed their silent reading time, applied skills to read more difficult books, and shared their readings with peers. (Nine appendixes are included: (1) Student Attitude Survey; (2) Teacher Questionnaire; (3) Sample Accelerated Reader Report; (4) Measure of Academic Progress Class Report Sample; (5) Reading Party Rating Cards; (6) Reading Party Passport; (7) Phonic Charts; (8) Comprehension Quickie; and (9) Text-to-Text Connections. (Contains 8 tables and 22 graphs.) [Master of Arts Action Research Project, Saint Xavier University.] (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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