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Autor/inn/enClements, Andrew; Speers, Geoff
TitelDevelopment of an Industry Training Strategy for the Abattoir Industry in New South Wales.
Quelle(2001), (8 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Agricultural Education; Change Strategies; Curriculum Development; Developed Nations; Food Processing Occupations; Foreign Countries; Material Development; Meat Packing Industry; Needs Assessment; Occupational Safety and Health; Postsecondary Education; Program Administration; Program Development; Strategic Planning; Vocational Education; Australia
AbstractThe abattoir (meat processing) industry is facing a number of challenges in Australia, including introduction of technology, safety standards, restructuring, and development and implementation of an effective training culture. The training strategy will effectively target existing training resources for the industry and upskill employees in a range of essential requirements, including occupational health and safety, supervision, quality assurance, meat safety, language and literacy, management, workplace assessment, and training and information technology. The need for vocational education and training (VET) is essentially determined by a complex interaction of factors associated with the VET market. The VET market consists predominantly of various individuals, organizations, and providers of VET programs and services who require learning outcomes associated with VET. Among the critical stages of training strategy implementation are these: form a steering group; establish links and coordinate with the New South Wales (NSW) Premier's Department and the NSW Meat Processing Industry Restructuring Program; prioritize training needs; develop guidelines and procedures for strategy and procedures implementation; circulate instructional materials to targeted workers and evaluate. A variety of training needs and requirements for the meat processing industry have been identified through a research process. Case management is indicated for targeted industry employees through structural adjustment assistance. This assistance will facilitate a number of pathways for individual target group employees. (YLB)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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