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Autor/inSmith, Joy Selby
InstitutionAustralian National Training Authority, Brisbane.
TitelThe National Competition Policy Review (The Hilmer Report) and Its Implications for the Vocational Education and Training System.
Quelle(1995), (34 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Adult Education; Competition; Delivery Systems; Educational Change; Educational Opportunities; Educational Policy; Educational Supply; Foreign Countries; Free Enterprise System; Job Training; Postsecondary Education; Vocational Education; Australia
AbstractThis paper examines the implications of the Report of the Independent Committee of Inquiry into a national competition policy (the Hilmer Report) for the vocational education and training system in Australia. It identifies issues of importance for training markets and points of strategic intervention to facilitate the development of more open and competitive markets, consistent with the principles of the proposed policy. Part 1 reviews the Report of the Hilmer Inquiry and its main findings and recommendations. It examines the competitive conduct rules contained in the Commonwealth "Trade Practices Act" (1974) and additional policy elements associated with building a more competitive economy. Government responses to the Hilmer Report are summarized. Part 2 considers the concept of a training market in the context of the approaches adopted by the Hilmer Committee. Part 3 provides an assessment of the relevance of the Hilmer proposals for the development of more open and competitive training markets considered in two parts: those which relate to part IV of the Trade Practices Act, which spell out the competitive conduct rules, and those which relate to the additional policy elements outlined in part 1--structural reform of public monopolies, regulatory restrictions on competition, access to essential facilities, monopoly pricing, and competitive neutrality. Part 4 summarizes the opportunities for strategic intervention by policy. (YLB)
AnmerkungenAustralian National Training Authority, GPO Box 3120, Brisbane 4001, Queensland, Australia.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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