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Sonst. PersonenWendel, Frederick C. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionUniversity Council for Educational Administration.
TitelIssues of Professional Preparation and Practice. UCEA Monograph Series.
Quelle(1992), (52 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Education; Administrator Effectiveness; Administrator Role; Decision Making; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Occupational Information; Public Schools; State Government; Superintendents; Women Administrators; New Mexico
AbstractThis report includes three papers on longstanding questions in educational administration. In chapter 1, "The New Realities: The Social and Economic Context of Administrator Preparation," Thomas A. Mulkeen outlines the changes that have immediate impact for public education and preparation programs. A shift in the U.S. economy from an industrial base to a knowledge and information base, a rapidly changing and impermanent economy, decentralization, and people-oriented institutions will require changes in public education. In chapter 2, "The Politics of State Educational Policymaking: Usefulness of the Kingdon Model," Susan Tanner Holderness examines educational policymaking in New Mexico and analyzes why policymakers act on some issues and not others. Certain factors contributed to politicization of the state's controversial standards for its gifted program. In chapter 3, "Coping in the Superintendency: Gender-Related Perspectives," Jane C. Lindle, Linda DeMarco Miller, and Joseph F. Lagana examine the coping strategies of male and female superintendents responding to job pressures. Interviews with 30 superintendents in Pennsylvania public school districts found that men tend to relate stress in their positions with politics, and women equate it with their gender. (Contains 86 references.) (JPT)
AnmerkungenUniversity Council for Educational Administration, 212 Rackley Bldg., Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802-3200.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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