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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inBoucher, Julie J.
InstitutionColorado State Dept. of Education, Denver. State Library and Adult Education Office.
TitelStatistics & Input-Output Measures for Colorado Public Libraries: 1991.
Quelle(1992), (248 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Annual Reports; Audiovisual Aids; Library Circulation; Library Collections; Library Expenditures; Library Personnel; Library Services; Library Statistics; Library Surveys; Measurement Techniques; Periodicals; Public Libraries; Questionnaires; Reference Services; State Surveys; Use Studies; Users (Information); Colorado
AbstractThe eighth in the current series, this volume contains responses from 91 libraries to all items in the Colorado Public Libraries Annual Report, summary statistics for seven ranges of population served and the state, and an index by data element. This edition uses, except for a few cases, the same populations figured from the 1990 U.S. Census. Statistics presented include: (1) general information; (2) paid library staff; (3) library operating income; (4) library expenditures; (5) library materials; (6) service per typical week; (7) annual service; (8) staff wages and salaries; (9) automation issues; (10) challenged materials; (11) special report use; (12) weekly schedule; (13) input measures (i.e., full-time equivalent staff, volumes per capita, units per 1,000 served, operating expenditures per capita, and percent of operating expenditures for staff and materials); (14) output measures (i.e., registration as percent of population, services per capita, services per hour, turnover rate, interlibrary loan, and program attendance per 1,000 served); and (15) Colorado public library summary statistics. Definitions and uses for input-output measures are included, and the annual report instructions and questionnaire are appended. (KRN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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