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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionEconomic Policy Council, Washington, DC.
TitelRural Economic Development for the 90's: A Presidential Initiative. The Findings and Recommendations of the Economic Policy Council Working Group on Rural Development.
Quelle(1990), (21 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Agency Cooperation; Economic Development; Federal Aid; Federal Programs; Government Role; Health Services; Housing; Public Agencies; Public Policy; Rural Areas; Rural Development; Rural Education
AbstractIn March 1989 this working group explored how the federal government might better address rural America's problems. The WGRD consisted of key officials from relevant federal departments and agencies, who came together to explore the following areas of rural development programming: (1) rural education and training; (2) rural economic development; (3) rural infrastructure; (4) rural housing; and (5) rural health care. The report is divided into three sections, rural development perspectives, objectives and strategies, and an action plan. The first section defines the demographic problems faced by rural America, suggesting that federal development efforts be tightly coordinated and look beyond agriculture for answers. Local community leadership is the key to successful rural development programs. The second section outlines recommendations for change which include: improved coordination of federal, state, and local development efforts; improved support and training of local community leaders; improved rural education and job training; and improved infrastructure for expanding local businesses. The action plan in the final section includes announcements of the presidential Initiative on Rural America and a Rural Development Demonstration Program. Also suggested is the establishment of structures to coordinate and target government rural development efforts, and the establishment of a rural development technical assistance center and hotline. (TES)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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