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Erweiterte Literatursuche

Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inn/enCabrera, Eulalia; und weitere
InstitutionNew York City Board of Education, Brooklyn. Office of Educational Assessment.
TitelSeward Park High School Project CABES (Career Advancement through Bilingual Education Skills), 1986-1987. OEA Evaluation Report.
Quelle(1988), (50 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAttendance Patterns; Bilingual Education Programs; Business Skills; Career Development; English (Second Language); Federal Programs; High Schools; Hispanic Americans; Immigrants; Limited English Speaking; Low Income Groups; Native Language Instruction; Parent Participation; Program Design; Program Effectiveness; School Holding Power; Spanish Speaking; Staff Development; Vocational Education
AbstractIn its first year of extension beyond the 3-year funding cycle at Seward Park High School (New York City), Project CABES (Career Advancement through Bilingual Education Skills) provided career advancement skills to 236 low-income, limited-English-speaking Hispanic immigrant students. The program provided a career-oriented curriculum including typing, employability skills, word processing, and bilingual career workshops, and also provided bilingual content-area courses and courses in English as a second language. Support services included counseling, peer and teacher tutoring, and referrals to outside agencies. Cultural and extracurricular activities included a Latin American festival and club. Staff development included monthly program meetings, in-service programs, and local university courses, and parental involvement consisted of an advisory committee, participation in cultural events, and program office visits when needed. Analysis of student achievement data indicates: (1) English language objectives were met in fall and spring; (2) the Spanish language arts objective was not met, with high variability in individual student gains; (3) group achievement objectives were not met; (4) the overall passing rates were achieved; (5) attendance was significnatly higher than the schoolwide rate; and (6) the dropout rate was not greater than that of mainstream students. A continued search for alternatives to the limited space available is recommended. (MSE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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