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Autor/inFarrar, Ronald T.
TitelCompetencies for Outcomes Assessment in Mass Communications: Graduate Education--The South Carolina Experiment.
Quelle(1988), (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Competency Based Education; Degree Requirements; Evaluation Criteria; Graduate Study; Higher Education; Journalism Education; Mass Media; Masters Degrees; Masters Programs; Minimum Competencies
AbstractIn 1987, the Graduate Council of the College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of South Carolina developed competency standards--specific statements of competencies that students should possess, and strategies for measuring them--for students in the graduate program. Created as part of a graduate curricular review, this statement presents the following list of competencies (including comments and evaluation suggestions for each competency): (1) effective writing skills; (2) an understanding of basic communications research methods; (3) a working knowledge of communications law; (4) a working knowledge of communications history; (5) basic technological competence; (6) effective communicator skills; (7) professional competence in a specialized area; (8) an understanding of the international dimensions of the field; (9) an understanding of the media as social institutions; (10) a working knowledge of media economics; and (11) an understanding of professional ethics and ethical issues. Competencies for a master of arts degree from the university of South Carolina consist of effective writing skills; a thorough knowledge of basic quantitative research methods; a working knowledge of communications law and basic legal research techniques; a working knowledge of communications history and basic historical research methods; basic technological competence; effective communicator skills; an understanding of the international dimensions of the field; an understanding of the media as social institutions; an understanding of professional ethics and ethical issues; and an understanding of communication theory. (MM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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