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Autor/inNelson-Herber, Joan
TitelA Staff Development Model for Teaching Reading in Content Areas. Network Report #2.
Quelle(1982), (23 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterContent Area Reading; Faculty Development; Inservice Teacher Education; Instructional Improvement; Models; Program Design; Program Development; Program Implementation; Reading Instruction; Secondary Education
AbstractThe staff development program for the Network of Secondary School Demonstration Centers for Teaching Reading in the Content Areas is a long-range, highly structured, and comprehensive model. In addition to the support system for the learning and implementation of strategies for teaching reading in the content areas, the program employs presentation of theory or strategy, modeling, practice, feedback, and coaching. The key issues considered in developing this program were the instructional goals, the organizational structure of the school, the resources available, and the nature of the innovation to be implemented. In addition, it was considered essential that the program (1) be sensitive to the perceived and expressed needs of school personnel, (2) be based on defined long range goals and objectives, (3) be grounded in a theoretical framework and presented through a consistent information source, (4) be designed to take advantage of a multiplier effect, (5) be supported with sufficient resources, and (6) be evaluated on the basis of levels of use. (JD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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