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Autor/inElkin, Judith Laikin
InstitutionGreat Lakes Colleges Association, Ann Arbor, MI.
TitelThe Great Lakes Colleges Association: Twenty-One Years of Cooperation in Higher Education.
Quelle(1982), (136 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterChurch Related Colleges; Consortia; Cooperative Programs; Experiential Learning; Faculty Development; Field Experience Programs; Financial Support; Governance; Grants; Higher Education; Humanities; Intercollegiate Cooperation; International Education; Liberal Arts; Lobbying; Political Issues
AbstractThe association among 12 private, church-related, residential, liberal arts colleges in Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio (The Great Lakes Colleges Association--GLCA) is discussed. Attention is directed to the founding of the consortium, international education, thematic off-campus programs, faculty development, the involvement of GLCA in the national higher education enterprise, and governance. Support from the Ford Foundation helped to establish non-Western Studies as a primary concern, including overseas study programs in Bogota, Tokyo, and Beirut. Other studies/activities have focused on Europe, Africa, and Asia. Two thematic off-campus programs (the New York Arts Program and the Philadelphia Urban Semester) expose students to city life, while other offerings include the Oak Ridge Science Semester, the Newberry Library Program in Humanities, and marine biology and wilderness programs. GLCA faculty development projects include: the Programmed Instruction Project, teaching internships, a humanities program, and the New Writers' Award. GLCA's legislative policy and involvement in the Washington network of major relevant associations concerned with national higher education and federal policy issues are also addressed, and information is provided on grants received by GLCA during 1963-1981. Different levels of governance, including the board, the faculty or academic council, and dean's council, are covered. (SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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