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Autor/inMark, Charles
TitelThird World Studies in Massachusetts Higher Education. Academic Project 1980-81. Part I: Survey--Central and Western Massachusetts.
Quelle(1984), (39 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterArea Studies; Church Related Colleges; College Curriculum; College Programs; Community Colleges; Developing Nations; Higher Education; Institutional Characteristics; Intercollegiate Cooperation; International Education; Private Colleges; Social Sciences; State Colleges; State Surveys; Massachusetts
AbstractResults of a study concerning teaching about the third world in colleges in Massachusetts are presented in this first of three volumes. Attention is focused on the survey of central and western Massachusetts (1980-81), which involved 20 public and private institutions. Objectives were to determine what colleges are doing, how they organize their curricula, the relative strength of social science departments, and various cooperative arrangements among colleges. Courses dealing with the third world were identified and estimates were made of the proportion of social science courses devoted to this subject matter. An introductory section of the report provides definitions of the term "third world." It is noted that many of the definitions refer to the political, geographic, and economic characteristics of these nations. Profiles are provided for each postsecondary institution, including three state colleges, four Roman Catholic colleges, eight private four-year liberal arts colleges, and two universities. Seven of these institutions are public and 13 private. By enrollment they range from colleges with fewer than 1,000 students to the University of Massachusetts (at Amherst) with about 24,000 students. (SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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