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Autor/inNelson, Stephen R.
InstitutionNorthwest Regional Educational Lab., Portland, OR.
TitelA Study of Culturally-Appropriate Instructional Resources in Native American Education: A Depiction of the Regional Needs and Resources in the Pacific Northwest.
Quelle(1982), (107 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAmerican Indian Culture; American Indian Education; American Indians; Bibliographies; Cultural Education; Demonstration Programs; Educational Needs; Educational Objectives; Educational Resources; Educational Strategies; Elementary Secondary Education; Information Sources; Instructional Materials; Preservice Teacher Education; Program Design; Regional Programs; Resource Materials; Teaching Methods; Tribes
AbstractA study of culturally-appropriate instructional practices and resources in Native American education, jointly produced by the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory and the Indian tribes of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, focuses on the Pacific Northwest. Program design and objectives (increasing student interest/skills in language arts/communication; reinforcing positive self-image and pride in being Indian; and providing students and teachers with greater understanding of Indian culture) are discussed and practitioner perceptions of needs in culturally-appropriate instruction are noted (networking, information clearinghouses, materials on contemporary Indian culture, locally-oriented curricula, listing of resource persons, elementary-level materials on Northwest Coast tribes, and teacher training in use of culturally-appropriate materials). Nine model practices (elementary math, a tribal school, dropout prevention, elementary/secondary math and reading, a tribal culture camp, an enrichment program, a specialization program on the fishing industry, and an Indian studies curriculum) are described and names of contact persons provided. Strategies used in compiling a bibliography of culturally-appropriate materials are listed, as well as nine teacher preparation programs. Recommendations include suggestions that curricula must be suited to Indian students' culturally-related academic needs. Appendices contain a descriptive profile of culturally-appropriate instructional materials and 227 sources of materials. (MH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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