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Autor/inRivera, William M.
TitelProfessional Life Planning: A Self-Directed, Systematic Approach.
Quelle(1982), (13 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Adults; Career Development; Careers; Faculty Development; Individual Development; Inservice Education; Lifelong Learning; Professional Development; Professional Education; Professional Personnel; Self Actualization; Self Evaluation (Individuals); Staff Development
AbstractProfessional life planning means taking a self-directed, systematic approach to professional renewal. To engage in professional life planning (or self-directed professional development) is to take greater control of one's life. Four major actions comprise the essence of professional life planning; they are self-assessment of professional strengths and weaknesses, planning professional growth through goal setting, organizing activities and records in line with goals, and evaluating periodically one's professional situation and goals. Aside from continuing professional education, a number of professional development opportunities are open to the self-directed planner. They involve (1) joining professional associations; (2) attending professional conferences; (3) participating in relevant seminars and meetings; (4) attending workshops to enhance strengths or overcome a weakness; and (5) integrating professional information into one's life. A systematic approach to one's professional growth requires a willingness to grow and readiness to become involved. With systematic effort, growth and change become natural aspects of one's life and professional stance. (KC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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