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Autor/inBirnbaum, Robert
TitelCreative Academic Bargaining: Managing Conflict in the Unionized College and University.
Quelle(1980), (270 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrators; Collective Bargaining; College Administration; College Faculty; Conflict Resolution; Faculty College Relationship; Governance; Group Dynamics; Higher Education; Negotiation Agreements; Negotiation Impasses; Power Structure; Problem Solving; Teacher Administrator Relationship; Unions
AbstractThe evolution of collective bargaining in higher education and factors that lead academic bargaining from destructive conflict to cooperation are examined. Academic bargaining is viewed as a form of shared authority, but one with unusual institutional and organizational problems that may lead toward destructive, rather than constructive conflict. The specific nature of the context, situation, and persons involved in bargaining, and their effect upon the nature of conflict are considered, as are perceptions, behaviors, and communication patterns that are likely to result when groups are locked into traditional bargaining structures. Behaviors and programs that may assist in conflict management and lead the parties toward more creative and constructive bargaining are suggested. A number of dispute resolution techniques that have been developed in industrial bargaining and their application in academic settings are described, as are changes in the traditional bargaining relationship that can be made prior to the initiation of bargaining, or during the bargaining interaction itself. Tactical considerations in creative bargaining, ways of increasing the problem-solving potential in the bargaining institution, the uses of third parties, and other approaches by which behaviors of the parties can change unilaterally to promote creative bargaining relationships are examined. References are included. (SW)
AnmerkungenTeachers College, Columbia University, 1234 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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