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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionWorld Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland).
TitelThe Planning of Schools of Medicine. Report of a WHO Study Group. Technical Report Series 566.
[Report No.: WHO-TR-566
Quelle(1975), (48 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterDelivery Systems; Educational Development; Educational Finance; Educational Objectives; Educational Planning; Facilities; Higher Education; Medical Education; Medical Schools; Regional Planning; Teachers
AbstractThe education and training of health personnel should be planned as part of the overall development plan of the country and with a view to helping solve the health problems of the countries in which they live and work. Such a policy entails the establishment of close collaboration between the health authorities and those responsible for education, the social services, and economic development, and with community total health manpower requirements of the country so as to provide a balanced mix of health personnel appropriate for the solution of national health problems. Physicians should therefore be trained in the local environment to ensure orientation to the country's problems and needs. Guidelines are provided for the planning and establishment of medical schools or centers for the health sciences. Integrated centers are preferred to encourage the training of the different categories of health personnel in the same institution. Before a decision is taken to go ahead with such a project, provision should be made to ensure that the necessary human, material, and financial resources are available not only for initiating the project but also for its long-term maintenance. (Author/KE)
AnmerkungenQ Corporation, 49 Sheridan Avenue, Albany, New York 12210 ($2.41)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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