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Autor/inn/enHeath, Janeth L.; Johnson, Kent B.
TitelA Survey and Analysis of Socio-Economic, Reading, and Library Use Factors Influencing the Rose Park Branch of the Salt Lake Public Library.
Quelle(1971), (111 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEconomic Factors; Libraries; Library Services; Library Surveys; Reading Interests; Social Influences; Statistical Data; Use Studies; Utah
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to survey and analyze Rose Park, a residential area in the north-west part of Salt Lake City. A questionnaire was used to solicit information. The questions were formed through analysis of other surveys by means of an extensive literature search. Questionnaires were distributed randomly to 215 families and were completed by 209 respondents, giving a total response of 97 per cent. The data were analyzed separately and compared internally. They were also compared to national statistics and certain aspects of national surveys. Conclusions were made concerning socio-economic factors, reading habits, and library use. Suggestions were given as guides to help the branch with its public relations and other programs, and further appropriate studies. The most pressing area of need is an extensive survey of Rose Park Branch to give the present study depth and meaning. (Author/AB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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