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Autor/inSchlesinger, Aaron
TitelStaffing Pattern Questions at the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library.
Quelle(1997), (39 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Library Administration; Library Personnel; Library Planning; Library Research; Library Services; Measurement Techniques; Public Libraries; Questionnaires; Reference Services; Scheduling; Staff Utilization; Tables (Data); Use Studies; Validity; Ohio
AbstractThis paper reports on a study conducted to determine if staffing changes were necessary at the information desk at the main branch of the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library (Ohio). Questions addressed included: (1) What times are busiest in the library? (2) Should there be changes in staffing the reference desk that could lead to increased patron use of this service? and (3) Is the survey form used to collect reference desk transaction data understood and used correctly by those who are completing it? The study analyzed two sets of data. The first set consisted of 52 weeks of data collected using a daily tally sheet for reference queries that used hash marks to record how many times different types of transactions were completed. The second set was a validity test on the tally sheets; a three-page questionnaire asking procedural questions and questions differentiating between types of transactions was given to all 16 people who worked at the reference desk. Findings indicated that changes were needed to better handle the busier times at the desk, and that the tally sheet has validity problems. Results are presented in table form. The tally sheet, questionnaire, and cover letter are appended. Contains 15 endnotes. (DLS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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