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Autor/inn/enMcDermott, Diane; Hastings, Sarah; Gariglietti, Kelli; Gingerich, Karen; Callahan, Barbara; Diamond, Kandi
TitelFostering Hope in the Schools: Strategies for Counselors and Teachers.
Quelle(1997), (20 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdolescents; Children; Counselor Attitudes; Educational Environment; Elementary Secondary Education; School Counselors; Student Attitudes; Student Development; Student School Relationship; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Student Relationship
AbstractTeachers, counselors, and school administrators working in schools today are aware of the many problems students face. To help these educators address these problems, a model for bringing hope training into the classroom is presented. The concept of hope has been of increasing interest to educators, researchers, and clinicians. It has been defined as the sum of mental willpower and "waypower" (a mental capacity people call on to find one or more effective ways to reach a goal) that individuals direct toward their dreams. A variety of workable methods for increasing hope in students are described. The strategies are grounded in previous research and application, and can be used by teachers and counselors for grades K-12 within a variety of curricular contexts. Some of the methods rely on stories, whereas others involve teaching young people to give themselves more hopeful messages and to make useful decisions. The attitude held by the teacher or counselor that hope is an integral and necessary part of the process of communicating hope to students is explored. The concept and characteristics of a high-hope school are also investigated. (RJM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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