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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionMassachusetts State Legislature, Boston. Senate Committee on Post Audit and Oversight.
TitelThe Adult Correctional Education Program of the Massachusetts Department of Correction: A Performance Audit (Senate 1850).
Quelle(1990), (52 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccess to Education; Accountability; Adult Education; Correctional Education; Correctional Institutions; Equal Education; Government School Relationship; Limited English Speaking; Literacy Education; Minority Groups; Prisoners; Program Effectiveness; Special Needs Students; State Agencies; Womens Education; Massachusetts
AbstractA performance audit of the adult correctional education program in Massachusetts resulted in these findings: (1) the department is not adequately carrying out its obligation to educate prison inmates, especially those who are illiterate; (2) the relationship between the department of correction and the division of inmate training and education within the prisons limits the effectiveness of the education programs; (3) the educational program does not accommodate the educational needs of the prison's minority population, and minorities are underrepresented in the staffing of the program; and (4) there are substantial inequities in the adult correctional education system in that the principal institution for female prisoners does not have the same number of vocational resources as the institutions for male prisoners and the vocational education resources available to male prisoners are inappropriately distributed among institutions. Correlated with these findings, the audit recommends the following: (1) make literacy a systemwide goal, implement a demonstration project for mandatory education, and implement participation incentives; (2) review the organizational relationship between education staff and other staff in the prisons and increase program utilization with aggressive outreach; (3) develop a minority hiring and recruitment plan and expand education for non-English-speaking inmates; and (4) bring vocational programs for women up to the level of vocational programs for men and redistribute vocational resources. (Appendix A lists course offerings and appendix B is the auditee's response letter and a list of other oversight publications.) (CML)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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