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Autor/inn/enWendel, Frederick C.; Baack, L. Thomas
TitelThe Effect of Assessment upon Developmental Activities.
Quelle(1992), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Effectiveness; Assessment Centers (Personnel); Educational Administration; Evaluation Utilization; Higher Education; Leadership Training; Professional Development; Program Evaluation; Secondary Education; Sex Differences
AbstractFindings of a study that determined the extent to which participants in the Nebraska NASSP Assessment Center Project followed up on the recommendations of assessor teams are presented in this paper. The study compared the developmental pursuits of volunteers with nonvolunteers (program participation was done at request of a school district official or professor) and females with males. A questionnaire sent to 155 school personnel who had participated in a Nebraska assessment center elicited 106 responses, a 68 percent response rate. Findings indicate that one-half of the respondents were in building-level administration and at an entry-level stage in their careers. Individuals who participate in a NASSP Assessment Center complete six exercises--two leaderless groups, two in-baskets, fact-finding, and structural interview--and receive a final report along with oral feedback. All participants reported that the program exercises with the greatest motivating force for pursuing developmental activities were the final written report and the oral feedback. The least motivating were the fact-finding and leaderless group exercises. Females gave equal ratings to the final written report and oral feedback, whereas males rated the written report highest. Attitudes toward four factors relative to assessment did not vary by gender. Overall, the volunteers rated the center's motivational force more highly than did the nonvolunteers. Volunteers with a high degree of personal interest in assessment expressed the most positive attitudes toward the program. Four tables are included. (LMI)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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