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InstitutionOffice of Vocational and Adult Education (ED), Washington, DC. Div. of Adult Education and Literacy.
TitelEducation for Homeless Adults: The First Year.
Quelle(1990), (53 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Basic Education; Adult Education; Adult Literacy; Adult Programs; Federal Legislation; High School Equivalency Programs; Homeless People; Illiteracy; Literacy Education; Program Development; Program Implementation; State Programs; Volunteers; Womens Education
AbstractThe Adult Education for the Homeless programs implemented by the states followed one of four approaches. The Development/Capacity-Building approach emphasized program structure and model-building. The Urban Focus approach was tailored to reach the maximum number of students. The Services to Women approach tried to meet women's special needs. A statewide approach focused on developing a variety of class locations and instructional techniques. The programs served 18,000 homeless individuals; more than half were located in only 10 states. All races and ages were represented, but the most typical participant was white, male, and 25-44 years old. One-half of the staff of 1,500 were volunteers. Few paid staff worked full time. Barriers to success fell into three groups: personal difficulties, external barriers, and obstacles inherent to the program. More than 500 adults earned a General Educational Development certificate, and an additional 100 received some other type of adult diploma. Key elements of program success included a stable living environment; individualized instruction; well-trained volunteers; instruction in practical tasks; and individualized education plans. Recommendations for future success include providing the following improvements: increased residential stability; alternative curricula; staff development; women's programs; nontraditional testing; and program evaluations. (Appendixes include: listings of state contacts and resource organizations; authorizing legislation; and rules and regulations.) (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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