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Autor/inHepburn, Mary A.
TitelGrass Roots Improvement: A New Pattern in Citizenship Education.
Quelle(1978), (16 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCitizenship; Citizenship Education; Curriculum Development; Educational Change; Educational Objectives; Educational Practices; Educational Trends; Elementary Secondary Education; Financial Support; Local Government; Program Descriptions; School Districts; State Programs; Georgia
AbstractGrowing emphasis on improving citizenship education at the local school system level is promoting projects which are smaller in size and cost, broader in objectives, and which motivate learning by focusing on local issues. This gradual shift from national curriculum reform programs is a result of the realization that students lack basic knowledge of state government and are deficient in citizenship skills, and that people prefer to be involved in local issues where they may have an impact. Increased funding from state and local agencies is another factor for increasing local curriculum programs. The newer citizenship education projects involve students, teachers, administrators, social science educators, and other university specialists in curriculum change. A case in point is the Title IV project in Georgia designed to define sequential citizenship skills, knowledge, and values objectives and to implement a program involving school and community groups in developing, reviewing, revising, and carrying out the objectives. Goals of the Georgia project are concerned with students' understanding of (1) the responsibilities of U.S. citizenship, (2) the role of the individual in the political decision-making process, (3) principles of individual rights, and (4) knowledge of current public issues and the skills for evaluating alternative choices. A committee of community leaders, state and local government officials, and interested citizens serves as an advisory and review board. (KC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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