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Autor/inHanks, Gary Arlin
TitelDependency among Alaskan Native School Dropouts: A Synthesis of Some Alaskan School Dropout Studies During the Academic Year 1972.
Quelle(1972), (92 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Alaska Natives; Comparative Analysis; Dropouts; Family Influence; High School Students; Parent Student Relationship; Self Concept; Social Adjustment; Student Attitudes; Student Characteristics; Student Educational Objectives; Student School Relationship; Synthesis
AbstractCharacteristics and attitudes of Alaska Native high school dropouts were studied in an attempt to answer questions relative to: (1) parental influence; (2) dropout dependency; (3) parental dependency and its effect upon dropout students; (4) dependency as a major reason for dropping out. Data were synthesized from several studies concerned with comparisons of Alaska Native dropouts and persistors during the period 1968-71. Conclusions were: (1) a major portion of the Native students may dropout because of dependency upon parents (students: felt that being needed at home contributed to dropping out; felt being a Native held them back; were homesick; showed a greater need for help than persistors; felt whatever they did had little effect; had a low self-image; needed support; were nonagressive; had permissive parents); (2) the Native Alaskan may be struggling for independence of parental control (dropouts: married earlier than graduates; suppressed emotions toward parents; did not persist at school as long as non-Natives; were more often male; did not admit to family problems; recognized school difficulties early; had more siblings who had also dropped out; resented authority); (3) the reason Alaska Natives dropout may be due more to dependency than dislike for school (dropouts: valued education; lacked occupations and direction while in school; were interested in school; expressed need for more social relationships and structure). (JC)
AnmerkungenInter-Library Loan, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84412
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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