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Autor/inMacArthur, Brian
InstitutionInternational Council for Educational Development, New York, NY.
TitelBeyond 1980: The Evolution of British Higher Education.
Quelle(1975), (32 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterDemocratic Values; Educational Assessment; Educational Development; Educational Objectives; Educational Trends; Higher Education; Postsecondary Education; Public Policy; United Kingdom (Great Britain)
AbstractIt was not until the 1960's that the subject of higher education started to disturb governments, or the issue of government policy on higher education became a topic of national debate. Some thoughts on the likely evolution of British higher education to the 1980's and beyond are apparent after looking to: the Robbins Report of 1963, which proposed massive expansion of student numbers and "that courses of higher education be available for all those who are qualified by ability and attainment to pursue them and who wish to do so;" to the system as it is now; and finally to issues in North America and Europe. Since there is no agreement about the Good Society, and thus about aims and content, the mandate for the pragmatist is to create a variety of higher education institutions that can fulfill a variety of functions. The direction in which higher education should move is toward greater diversity and greater fairness between the sectors as well as more social justice. What we shall be talking about in 1985 is a system of post-school education in which systems of higher education throughout the world are already moving, and British higher education is set in the same direction. (Author)
AnmerkungenInternational Council for Educational Development 680 Fifth Ave. New York, New York 10019
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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