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Autor/inn/enPhelan, Patricia; Cao, Hanh T.; Davidson, Ann Locke
InstitutionCenter for Research on the Context of Secondary School Teaching.
TitelNavigating the Psycho/Social Pressures of Adolescence: The Voices and Experiences of High School Youth.
[Report No.: CRC-P92-144
Quelle(1992), (52 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Academic Persistence; Adolescents; Educational Environment; High Risk Students; High School Students; High Schools; School Holding Power; Stress Variables; Student Adjustment; Student Attitudes; Student School Relationship
AbstractThis paper describes conditions and circumstances in students' family, peer, and school worlds which students perceive as creating pressures and stress powerful enough to divert their attention and interest from school. Rather than assuming that minority status, linguistic differences, part-time employment, peers and/or poverty necessarily create problems for young adults, students were asked about why they thought they were not connecting in educational settings. The focus, then, is on all students and not just those identified as at-risk. Results indicate significant variation in the types and frequencies of problems for different types of youth. Students whose worlds are congruent and who transition smoothly report tremendous stress from teachers and parents to achieve academically. Other students who report difficulties in making transitions between different worlds worry about understanding course materials as they struggle to make passing grades. Still other students, for whom transitions are most difficult, are burdened with uncertain futures. All students stressed the importance of being connected to at least one caring and empathetic adult in their school environment. When that happened, students were more likely to seek help. (RJM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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