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Autor/inBritt, Patricia M.
TitelStudent Voices: Students' Perceptions of Factors Placing Them at Risk of Dropping Out of School.
Quelle(1995), (14 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdolescents; Dropout Characteristics; Dropout Research; Educational Environment; Family Environment; Grade 12; High Risk Students; High School Students; High Schools; School Holding Power; Student Alienation; Student Attitudes; Student Attrition; Student School Relationship
AbstractPeople worry about dropouts because they believe that leaving high school before graduation is detrimental, both to the individual and to society. This view does not include students' view of the situation, and in order to clarify students' perceptions of at-risk factors, qualitative data on high school seniors were collected. The central question of this study was, "What has been the process in the lives of these students, as perceived by the student, which has led to being considered at risk?" To answer this question, classroom observations, interviews, information from parents and classroom teachers, journal entries, and student records were collected on 15 students. The data that emerged were classified into three areas: (1) home environment; (2) school environment; (3) other factors or concerns. Results indicate that most students felt isolated, both at home and at school. Most considered a lack of parental supervision and responsibility as a major concern, and they believed that this apathy was shared by teachers, counselors, and administrators. Most of these at-risk students felt isolated from participation in school activities, which are usually reserved for high-achieving students. A number of recommendations to remedy this sense of isolation are offered. (RJM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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